Leven Miniatures buildings

I thought I'd post up some old comparison shots of the Leven buildings I ordered a few years ago. I had these up on tactical command to show their scale against a baccus goblin I had to hand. Some of them have long since been painted. I've including them here both for nostalgia and in case anyone stumbles across the page and fancies checking them out.

They are wonderful buildings, I dont normally touch anything resin, but these a joy to work with, and I keep meaning to order another pile!  They are fantastically cheap, coming in around at a couple of pounds per building, which is fantastic value, compared to a lot of other buildings in this scale. They paint up really easily- the detail is superb on them. Out of the twenty or so buildings I had, only one had an air bubble, and I had to squint my eyes to see it! These chaps know how to make a quality product! Links below the photos should take you to the right page on their site.
